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Any self-respecting digital marketer knows that mobile is the present. Future of advertising, but getting users to engage can be a challenge. Today we are going to talk about what mobile marketing.  Should be like to generate attraction and what challenges it faces.

Mobile marketing challenges in connecting with users

One of the biggest challenges in digital advertising is attracting users’ attention without Uruguay Mobile Phone Numbers Database intrusive. Ad blockers have seen a boom in recent years for a very clear reason: users are tired of seeing ads that don’t add value to them and that make their browsing difficult. And when we talk about mobile marketing, this risk is multiplied.

Advertising on mobile devices is particularly


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Screens are getting smaller

With mobile content, viewability is key because there is only so much space available. So, one ad is enough to ruin the experience entirely. In fact, 69% of users complain that mobile ads obscure the content they want to see.

Mobile is perceived as a more personal experience

Mobile phones are with us most of the day, and we see Specific Database By Industry Examples Examples as a key point of contact with the people we care about. We make more personal use of mobile phones than computers, so we are less likely to accept brands intruding on our experience. As a result, up to 71% of mobile users feel that half of all ads interrupt their experience.

Another risk of mobile marketing is that ads simply go unnoticed

Our attention is selective and it is relatively easy for us to learn to ignore what does not interest us, so it is possible for an ad to appear on users’ mobile phones without leaving any impact on them… and that is if they have not blocked it directly.

Finally, in mobile marketing

We also have to deal with the “fat finger syndrome”: the small size of screens BU Leads that up to 60% of clicks are made by mistake . This fact not only distorts statistics and makes them less reliable, but in pay-per-click systems it can mean a significant additional cost without providing results.


How to improve engagement in mobile marketing

We understand the problem, but what is the solution? A recent study by Celtra and On Device Research set out to discover it by analyzing user behavior when faced with mobile ads.

The first takeaway is that mobile

Ads that work, really work . The top 20% of mobile ads outperformed the other 80% by 6x in both ad recall and purchase intent.

After systematizing the success factors, analysts have come to the conclusion that a successful mobile ad must meet 6 or more of these principles. Take note!

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