We can find this information in the report “ Email Marketing Acquisition 2017 ” recently presented by Cyberclick. It shows in a graphic and representative way the current reality of the channel, the types of campaigns, the remuneration models and the most popular trends among advertisers and sending platforms.
35% of major advertising advertisers continue to bet on Email Marketing for Acquisition
Types of campaigns
The Spanish market has its own unique characteristics compared to the realities of Paraguay Mobile Phone Numbers Database countries, such as the
United States the United Kingdom
France or Germany. Here, the email marketing campaigns that have been sent with the greatest intensity during 2016 are from the travel, finance, banking and insurance sectors , reporting a relevant reactivity among the audience and with a higher performance.
Travel -relat campaigns (offers, airlines or tourist offices) are present in most databases, being one of the preferred sectors (17%) and the most stable in response.
Next in this category and with equal
Penetration are finance/banking (14%) and insurance (14%). Regarding finance/banking, loan and credit actions are mention with priority and, more secondarily, credit card type products. Regarding insurance, several of the participants in the study point out that car insurance works better than the rest and then health insurance, if the companies have not saturat the channel too much.
In third position
Despite the longevity of this industry in email marketing for customer acquisition, is the training sector (11%), with a significant presence of online training offers and a higher response between the months of September and January.
Different remuneration models
The CPM model (cost per thousand sends) is one of the most important payment formats in the email marketing channel in the last 3 or 4 years, replacing the previous large presence of variable models. In fact, 36% of the large advertisers interview work exclusively with CPM. In some America Cell Phone Number Library it is pure and others occasionally accept CPLs (cost per lead), but with a better priority in their action calendars.
Although over the last year
There has been a growing trend towards CPL, almost 40% of the companies survey work BU Leads numbers of CPL and CPM campaigns, and more than 23% say that most of the actions they launch are CPL.
Qualitative recommendations of the study
Any report provides a lot of interesting numerical data that should be taken into account, but advertisers themselves also provide additional valuable information in the form of recommendations and good practices.
Berta Campos , an emailing expert on the
Cyberclick team, shares with us the qualitative ideas collect in the study: “ Some of the inputs are relat to channel saturation or a lack of diversity and new campaigns, although we believe that this also represents an opportunity for brands in terms of differentiation and the expect good response if the sending of offers of value to recipients is carri out .”