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SMO is based on a very simple principle: optimize your website not only for search engines, but also for sharing on social media . Put these 5 essential social media optimization tricks into practice and you will see how your virality grows and grows.

5 essential social media optimization (SMO) tips to get results

The 5 essential keys to social media optimization (SMO)

1) Create shareable content

Shareable content is content that calls users to action. To achieve this, take note of these tips:

Be persuasive

Users often rely on content to express their views, so if you are Mexico Mobile Phone Numbers Database you will have more points to share. You can even dare to be a little controversial… but without ever losing good taste and common sense.

Stay up to date

The half-life of a social media post is often hours, so always provide fresh, up-to-date content.

Add visuals

They say a picture is worth a thousand words… and when it comes to SMO, that’s true. Photo galleries, videos, and infographics have a lot to offer on social media.
I recommend you read: The 5 content trends that are all the rage.



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2) Analyze your social networks

To know if your social media optimization strategy is successful, you’ll need to Buy Telemarketing Examples the results! Here are some key data you need to know:

Attribution of visits to your website, not only for each social network but also for content Bank Email List campaign. Google Analytics UTM codes are your ally.
Amplification .

The average number of shares and retweets your content gets

Economic value . The ROI of your SMO.

Engagement – The number of likes and comments on your posts.

3) Experiment with posting times

There are plenty of studies out there about the best time to post on social media that can serve as a starting point. But in the end, every brand and every audience is unique . Try out different time slots and measure the results until you find your ideal time.


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