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Your project: improbable or super credible?

Have you heard about the company that plans to sell electric flying cars to consumers? It promises to replace 40% of four-wheeled vehicles within six years. Hard to believe? I agree, it seems more like an April Fool’s joke than a real product.

What if I told you that this company just went public, with dozens of patents filed and funding intentions in the hundreds of millions of dollars… You might want to know a little more?

How about that, knowing that this company is the result of a partnership between Elon Musk (Tesla and SpaceX), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Akio Toyoda (Toyota), Richard Branson (Virgin) and Larry slovenia telephone number data  Page (Google), all leaders and founders of the largest technology companies in the world? Are you eager for these geniuses to reveal the prototypes to you? I am!

Do you see how your perception of the organization has changed in a few lines? The project, which seemed to come out of a futuristic movie, has transformed into an idea that seems feasible. With this team, it cannot fail.


A key indicator: the credibility line


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When you first hear about a project, you will instinctively judge it on its credibility and rank it according to the  for your marketing reach from the very beginning gsa credibility line. The concept of the credibility line was introduced in the book Bold by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler. When you analyze a new idea and judge it below the credibility line, you ignore it. A project that you rate above this line will pique your interest. It is a project that you may follow and that has some chance of success.

There is also a third category called super credibility. This is the kind of project that we accept immediately because we believe in its success. As they say in good Quebec, you are “sold” on the idea.


Credibility is temporal


The perceived credibility of an idea or project will fluctuate over time. While we may have ranked an idea as super credible, it may decline to the point where it becomes non-credible in our eyes. This will happen, for example, if the project fails to achieve its goals or attract a critical mass of users or followers. Conversely, a non-credible project may become credible and even super credible over time. This is more difficult since we have little interest in following the development of a project

(1) Not credible (2) Credible to not credible (3) Credible to super credible (4) Super credible

Entrepreneurs: Do Your Homework


As a project owner, it is important to understand and work to surpass the credibility line. You need to determine how people perceive your project and work to improve that perception . Think about how your project will be perceived and what methods you can use to make people classify it as super credible. You can:

  • Surround yourself with experienced people
  • Improve and adapt your speech
  • Working on your personal and business reputation
  • Position yourself with a content strategy
  • Announce your goals (and achieve them!)
  • Building partnerships with experts in the field
  • Generate interest by building your audience

Credibility is a powerful tool that  bahrain leads you should keep in mind from the beginning of a project, yes, but also throughout its development. It is thanks to it that Elon Musk managed to convince nearly 700,000 people to deposit $1,000 for an electric car that did not yet exist, and that he managed to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for an idea for a train faster than a plane. And it is thanks to it that you will convince your future clients or partners that your project deserves their interest.


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