Inbound marketing is therefore the basis of many companies’ strategies. But within this “umbrella” there are many tools and ways of doing things. Today I am going to focus on one of them to answer this question: what does email marketing bring to inbound strategies?
How email marketing helps you in your inbound
Why integrate email into your inbound marketing strategy
Because it is one of the most cost-effective tools
According to Hubspot, the ROI of email marketing Chile Mobile Phone Numbers Database reach up to 4300%! (that is, every euro invested in email campaigns is capable of generating 43 euros in return). Like any marketing tool, email campaigns require an investment of time and effort, but their economic cost pales in comparison to the results.
Because it allows you to personalize your marketing
One of the keys to successful inbound marketing is personalization. Each client is unique and responds to different stimuli. Establishing a one-to-one relationship through emails will allow you to adapt to their times and needs to achieve the best possible results.
Because it can be automated
Note here: “automating” does not mean sending mass emails, but rather taking advantage of the possibilities of artificial intelligence to perform more complex segmentation and measure the results accurately.
Because it provides an extra channel
Every good relationship is based on communication. Responding quickly to your customers’ questions and problems will make them trust you, and trust is the secret to great business relationships. Email provides a fast and effective way to stay in touch with them.
Because it helps you support
Your customer at every stage of Bank Email List purchasing process . Email marketing is an almost infinitely customizable tool, which is why it helps you support your customer relationship from the first contact to loyalty. Keep reading to see more ideas on how to plan your email campaigns at each stage.
1# How to integrate email marketing in the TOFU phase
In inbound marketing , the TOFU or “top of the funnel” phase is the first contact , when Recent Mobile Phone Number Examples user has just realized that they have a need and are looking for a way to respond to it. Therefore, in this phase the strategy focuses on creating content that broadly responds to the needs that our products satisfy.
To make our combined email marketing
Publish email campaigns on our website or blog, appropriately adapted in format and tone.
Use the latest blog posts to feed your content newsletter and increase traffic.
Include clearly visible share buttons in emails to encourage viralization.